FIND : Students / Tutors
How It Works For Students
1. Register
- Please register on our site here.
- You can register as a free member or a premium members. Premium members can see the details of tutors immediately on the site where as free members need to send a message to the tutor through our site and wait for the response.
2. Search for Tutor
- After registering and confirming your email and phone number then you can search for tutors available in our site and can select the tutor you like.
- If you are a premium member then you can contact the tutor immediately and then ask for a demo session.
- If you like the demo session and the tutor then you can negotiate the price with the tutor and can arrange the tuition.
- It is your responsibility to validate the credentials of the tutor before you agree for the tuition.
3. Excel in Studies
- You can monitor the tuition at your home regularly and can give us the feedback on the tutor so that you can help other students/parents in selecting the best tutors for their tuition.
- Having a private tutor mentor the student is known to give very good results and you can check the performance yourself.
How It Works For Tutors
1. Register
- Please register on our site here.
- You can register as a free member or a premium members. Premium members can see the details of tuition needs posted by our students immediately on the site where as free members need to send a message to the student who posted the tuition through our site and wait for the response.
2. Search for Tuition
- After registering and confirming your email and phone number then you can search for tuitions available in our site and can select the tuition you like.
- If you are a premium member then you can contact the student/parent who posted the tuition immediately and then give a demo session.
- If the parent/student likes the demo and is willing join the tuition then you can ask the parent/student to deposit the first month tuition fee with us to ensure you get paid without any issues at the end of the month.
3. Earn Money
- You can earn money for your work and need not depend on your parents/guardians for financial support.